
All courses are delivered live by Elena over Zoom.

TERM 3, 2024 Focus: Grammar and Syntax

Parts of Speech

6 weeks

Wednesdays at 7:30pm

Dates: TBD

A series of 6 hour-long workshops aimed at understanding the role of each part of speech and their relationship to each other. These run for 6 consecutive weeks.

Part 1 - Nouns

Part 2 - Adjectives and Articles

Part 3 - Verbs (types, forms, voice, mood, morphology)

Part 4 - Verbs (linking, auxiliary, tenses, conjugation) and Pronouns

Part 5 - Adverbs

Part 6- Prepositions and Conjunctions (Aug 28)

What is included:

a workbook that includes definitions, tips, strategies and additional curated resources

a copy of the slide presentation

10+ parts of speech posters

Certificate of completion

Simple and Compound Sentence Structure

4 weeks

Thursdays at 7:30pm

Dates: TBD

Would you like your students to write more engaging sentences? extend their comprehension skills deeper and broader?

This is a series of 4 hour-long workshops that are designed to provide the keys to unlocking the mysteries behind well-crafted, effective sentences.

The focus is on the structure of simple and compound sentences, their different parts and how they fit together.

Learn how to use this knowledge to teach writing and aid reading comprehension.

There are hands-on aspects of this workshop to give you a chance to practise some of the skilled covered.

What is included:

a workbook that includes definitions, worked examples, in-session practice examples, and additional curated resources.

a copy of the slide presentation

6 working charts

Certificate of completion

Complex Sentence Structure

3 hours/2 days

School Holidays

Dates: TBD

This series is a continuation of the previous series on simple and compound sentences and will run over 2 session of 1.5 hours.

We will be covering dependent, independent clauses aka principal and subordinate clauses, degrees of subordonation, subordinating conjuctions.

We will be analysing a variety of sentences with a focus on how this understanding lifts comprehension and writing skills.

What is included:

a workbook that includes definitions, worked examples, in-session practice examples, and additional curated resources.

a copy of the presentation slides

3 working charts

Certificate of completion

TERM 4, 2024

Focus: Number

Fractions, decimals and percentages

6 hours

Wednesdays at 7:30pm

Dates: TBD

A series of workshops that focus on the development of proportional thinking. Each session is 1.5 hours and it runs for 4 consecutive weeks.

Session 1: Introduction to fractions: concept, notation, vocabulary, addition and subtractions of fractions with the same denominator, multiplying fractions by a whole number, dividing fractions by a whole number, equivalence

Session 2: Advanced fractions: more equivalence (factors and multiples), addition and subtractions of fractions with different denominators, multiplication and division of fraction by a fraction

Session 3: Introduction to decimal numbers, place value, reading and writing decimal numbers, ordering decimal numbers, operations with decimal numbers

Session 4: advanced decimal operations, introduction to percentages, equivalences

What is included:

a workbook to work and take notes alongside the presentation

a copy of the slide presentation

certificate of completion

Developing Number Sense in Young Children

3 hours

Thursdays at 7:30pm

Dates: TBD

A series of workshops that focus on the development of number sense in young children. Each session is 1.5 hours and it runs for 2 consecutive weeks.

Session 1: Exploring the numbering systems and links to language, magnitude, quality, and quantity related to numbers, conceptual understanding of mathematical actions, using hands as tools, subitising, games.

Session 2: Working with numbers, simple operations, place value to 1000 and related games and activites.

What is included:

a workbook to work and take notes alongside the presentation

a copy of the slide presentation

certificate of completion

The How and Why of Multiplication and Division

3 hours

Wednesdays at 7:30pm

Dates: TBD

A series of workshops that focus on the terminology, understanding why the processes used work, and how to teach them effectively. Each session is 1 hour and it runs for 3 consecutive weeks.

Session 1: Exploring multiplication through the stages from early to advanced. Understanding how to use manipulatives, games, and activities to practice concepts and aid memorisation.

Session 2: Exploring division through the stages from early to advanced. Using manipulatives, visual aids, games and activities to help understanding and memorisation.

Session 3: Working with integers (positive and negative numbers), squaring and cubing numbers, square and cube root.

What is included:

a workbook to work and take notes alongside the presentation

a copy of the slide presentation

certificate of completion